Sunday, May 18, 2008

attempt at an almost annual analysis (alliteration!)

I've been planning to return to blogging again, for almost a whole year now - but things came up and well I still have saved Word files of some posts I was going to post but that's for later..

...anyways time for a non-transition!

Hmm various things I have learned this year, and am still learning now:

- God's sovereignty > my imagined ideal situations
- God's plans > my desired plans, for the future and for those ideal situations
- God's wisdom > my perceived wisdom (haha... those random moments afterwards when you're just like.. God, you're so wise, and I was so stupid, so thank you for not letting me go off into my own stupidity)
- God's love and Christ's work on the cross > my (often half-hearted) desire for penance
- God's love for the world > my worldly comfort

Ok well the list can go on and on but basically, God's been showing me again and again that I don't know the whole picture, that I don't even know what is best for me, but He does. I had planned on doing something that I wanted to do recently, but on the day which I thought was a good opportunity to do it, God totally used circumstances to block me and it was obviously His doing - to my frustration and later amusement. Amusement because the next day I had a chance to talk it over in seeking counsel and decided I probably shouldn't do it, and the day after I had the "perfect opportunity" to go through with my original plan but this time conviction stopped me dead in my tracks, which was really cool. I'm being vague on purpose I know. Rats I totally was going to stop typing hecka long sentences too but I guess me + blogging = flowly thoughts hmm... well anyway........ lesson of the moment:

I love how the "good" in Romans 8:28 isn't for me to decide, but is determined completely by an omniscient Heavenly Father who wants to conform me to the image of Christ for His glory, which is what is best for me even when I don't know or think it!